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DIY Musician Podcast

Feb 28, 2020

Whether you want a gig, playlist placement, or press opportunity, you're going to need to sell someone on your music — and that means "pitching." In this episode, Kevin and Chris dissect successful music pitches and find 7 things in common.

Distribute, monetize, and promote your music at...

Feb 24, 2020

Promoting your music on social media can eat up a lot of your time. Sadly, most artists waste that precious time using social media in ways that are rote and uninspired. In this episode, Kevin and Chris walk through a list of quick tips that will help you get better results, have more fun, and create a deeper...

Feb 12, 2020

The music business is constantly evolving. Streaming dominates. Markets are truly global. The way people promote & monetize music shifts every year. And videos are growing shorter and more important than ever before. In this episode, Kevin and Chris talk about some important changes at CD Baby that will help artists...

Feb 7, 2020

TikTik Music Distribution

TikTok has more than half a billion active users, it's the most downloaded app in the world, and the entire platform runs on music! Now that CD Baby is delivering YOUR music to TikTok, Kevin and Chris walk you through TikTok culture, features of the app, and a few of the opportunities you have to promote your music...

Feb 4, 2020


Having your own pro website is even MORE important in an age where fan relationships are often owned by anyone but the artist. In this episode, Bandzoogle's Dave Cool talks about creating a good experience for your followers online, capturing their contact info, and using your website as the hub for your music...